Oh, sé perfectamente lo que significa
Deface: empequeñecerse.
Palabrita que suele aparecer en textos que toquen instituciones religiosas en cualquier forma.
I hate it today. Because that was what silence felt like, silence that was expedient and probably cheaper. It chaffed because I wished I was brazen and uncaring enough to make the damned word get crammed in all those tribunal crones gullets. I was actually upbraided like a child. And I took it. That's the rub: I choose to take it. Because it was practical, easier and most likely the smart thing. I should feel smug in thinking they bough the meek act, and that I purchased some laxity by way of being a silly girl knowing to keep her mouth shut. Instead, I boil and rage and spoil for a fight.
Poise: Aplomo, desenvoltura, elegancia.
Eso es lo que molesta. Que aún cuando fuere mi elección, se me robó por un segundo. Sell my poise to buy leniency. I made the bargain, but I hated my buyers with the intensity of a summer storm.
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